The Top Valentine’s Gifts People Would Be Disappointed by Include...

What’s the WORST Gift for Valentine’s Day

We’ve got the results here of a survey on the most disappointing Valentine’s Day gifts.  And if I could sum it up, it’s this:  Don’t buy anything too cliché . . . or TOO THIRSTY.

Here are the 10 most disappointing gifts . . .

1.  Furry handcuffs, 34% would be disappointed.

2.  Flowers, 28%.

3.  A heart-shaped box of chocolates, 22%.

4.  A funny card, 25%.

5.  Lingerie, 24%.

6.  Champagne, 19%.

7.  A love coupon book, 18%.

8.  Perfume, 17%.

9.  Underwear, 15%.

10.  You serenading them, 14%.

What’s the WORST gift you’ve ever been gifted?