Woman Glued Up Her Own Vagina... to Frame Ex-Boyfriend for Crime

Serrano’s Dub but True Story

A woman from Spain who glued up her own vagina to try and frame her ex for the crime has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The woman accused her former boyfriend of kidnapping her outside her home and later abandoning her while semi-naked after squeezing the superglue into her private parts.

Her story began to unravel when investigators uncovered footage showing the woman buying the glue and a “kidnap kit” including knives she used to harm herself.

Police also discovered the only vehicle filmed passing the spot where she claimed to have been assaulted and then tortured was a garbage truck, not the black car she said she had been abducted in.

The boyfriend spent several days on remand in prison before attempts by the woman became apparent.

The woman was convicted of two counts of making up a crime and jailed her for 10 years.

She was also ordered to pay her ex a little over $29,000 in compensation in a written sentence released this week after a trial.

Check out what the ex-couple looks like here.