The Super Bowl is less than two weeks away and at this point, it’s basically a national holiday. And most of us want it to be official, so we can ALL have a long weekend. According to a new survey, 55% of people say the Monday after the Super Bowl should be a national holiday. The idea is that everyone is exhausted and hung over from all the festivities. And that’s a real thing. A study from a few years back found people are generally much less productive the day after the Super Bowl. There are other distractions for some people too: Like trying to focus on work “after a riveting game,” and the let-down of realizing football season is over. It’s also a Monday, which has its own baggage. 41% of people say that the Monday after the Super Bowl is one of the worst Mondays of the year. A national holiday would have to be granted by the government and President Trump, and it’s unlikely to gain any traction there. At least for this year. There are also a few alternatives that the NFL could consider: Like moving the Super Bowl to a Saturday, or pushing it back a week so it lines up with Presidents’ Day.
Gordie's Midday Gossip - Superbowl Holiday
Should the Monday After the Super Bowl Be a National Holiday?